Dec 22, 2008

It's the Season to Let the Love Flow

While you are bundled up with your loved ones, I wish you the Merriest Christmas, the most hopeful of Hanukkahs, the most radiant of Ramadans, the sweetest winter solstice. In other words--Happy Holidays.

The Third Eye is going through a metamorphasis and in the spring, I hope you will enjoy what comes next. In the meanwhile, I wish you health, hope, and happiness for all the days of your life.

Feb 1, 2008

More Pictures

Here's a few more. I plan to upload new styles from ti8me to time. However, as all of my pieces are one of a kind, these are intended to give you a taste of what I produce. All of these necklaces are in the care and company of fans of the Third Eye.

Pictures of My Jewelry

People ask all the time if there is a place they can see my work, so here is some of it. You can click on the pictures to make them larger.

People ask all the time if there is a place they can see my work, so here is some of it.